To Rise Again at a Decent Hour was just okay for me. I wasn't laughing out loud like other reviewers, perhaps it was the genre that didn't appeal to me. Nonetheless, I found the subject matter interesting, we live in a time where the social media drives our identity and the internet responsible for our thought process (Wikipedia is a credible source, really?). I'm sure this book I'm sure will strike a chord with many readers.
Paul O'Rourke is the novel's first person narrator. Is he unlikable? For me, yes. He's a bit on the dull side, and I couldn't really relate to him or buy into his character. But was that the point, to come up with a character that was so self-absorbed and uninteresting that becomes a target for identity theft when he really doesn't have much of one? The most interesting part of the story for me was how Paul is so intrigued by himself, or who he is perceived to be. Ferris really does well with this angle.
The ending left me wanting. Again, why did this man choose Paul to impersonate, he's not even interesting? The book ends rather abruptly even though Paul seems better off for what he has experienced. All-in-all, the book left me flat.