Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mischling by Affinity Konar

A special thank you to NetGalley and Random House for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Hauntingly lyrical, and shattering, Mischling is a recount of some of the Holocaust horrors that children in Auschwitz were subjected to at the hands of Dr. Joseph Mengele.  Interested in twins, the emotionally stunted Mengele subjects them to horrific experiments.

Our narrators, thirteen year-old twins Pearl and Stasha are two halves of a whole.  Stasha is in charge of the funny, the future, and takes on the bad.  Pearl is the sad, the good, and the past.  They are despair and loss, they are hope and light.  Through Konar's thoughtful and magical prose, the girls deliver their story in two halves to the reader in the hopes of becoming whole again.

Like Doerr's quote on the jacket—if your soul can survive the journey, you'll be rewarded by reading one of the most powerful and beautifully written books of the year.

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